SARDOM is an all-volunteer organization with no paid employees and very few administrative expenses. Because of this, we are able to maximize donations to support our operations and training efforts.
SARDOM receives no funding from any government: county, state, or national. We are completely dependent on the generosity of people who believe that what we do is worth their support. Search and Rescue Dogs of Maryland, Inc is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your donations are tax-exempt to the extent allowed by law. CASH DONATIONS: Mail Donations: Individual donations are appreciated and can be mailed to SARDOM at: Search and Rescue Dogs of Maryland 14605 Elm Street, Suite 2595 Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 CFC DONATIONS: Combined Federal Campaign: The vast majority of SARDOM’s funding comes from the generous donations made through the Combined Federal Campaign. If you are a federal employee and would like to help SARDOM through the CFC, donations can be designated to CFC# 73058. NON-CASH DONATIONS: SARDOM is happy to accept non-cash donation. This can be in the form of materials appropriate to our training program and mission. If you are interested in making such a donation, please fill out form on "contact" page. Use of Real Property: SARDOM is always looking for new training sites. Any area where we can work the dogs off-leash is of value to us. Besides rural or wilderness acreage, we have a need for access to unoccupied buildings, rubble piles, and boat ramps. If you can offer us use of any of these, please fill out form on contact page. |
B&B Auto Salvage
MDNR (Maryland Department of Natural Resources) Jay Kreitler's accounting business. MNCPPC (Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission) Perfect Pet Resort Watkins Park Animal Medical Center |